
10 Ways to Save Money in College...

So recently the 400.00 a month budget my parents wire to my debit card has been flying out the window or better yet...being drank as a certain liquid. So, for the past few weeks I've been saving money anywhere and everywhere. Here's 3 ways I've been doing it.

1. Savings cards, save your life:
Everyone knows that grocery stores, drug stores, and even some gas stations offer FREE savings cards just for filling out a short application. These savings cards can save you anywhere from .50 - 10.00 in one shopping trip! Now, I will admit. Signing up for a bonus card and having it on my keyring does make me feel like I should be driving a minivan and doing carpool from soccer practice. But when you have a budget, shame can be shelved.
And in living in Clemson, the grocery shopping is limited to Bi-Lo and Ingles (no jokes please) and they offer gas savings when you buy a certain amount of groceries. The other day I was at Bi-Lo and spent 150.00 on groceries (I get hungry and I like Lean Cuisines, ok?) and guess how much I saved per gallon of gas...go on guess... .75 cents! That's almost 1 gallon and a half of gas! Ok, ok. I guess I'm a little excited but still...that's a lot.

2. Freeload, freeload, freeload:
Have any family members that live around you...hit em up! Seems like there's always some family member that lives within a 'dinners worth drive' from you. And hey if your extended 2nd cousin, twice removed really enjoyed your company you may luck out and get some left overs too. I need to take a picture of my freezer to show y'all just how much your weird extended family is willing to give you.

3. Become the closet coupon lady:
Every time I go into the grocery store I feel like I need to wear sunglasses and a baseball cap Paris Hilton style. I recently found few websites that are ALL coupons that people have heard about and post the links to.
I like this one alot!

Post more later when I realize just WHAT I've been doing to save money :)

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