
10 Ways to Save Money in College...

So recently the 400.00 a month budget my parents wire to my debit card has been flying out the window or better yet...being drank as a certain liquid. So, for the past few weeks I've been saving money anywhere and everywhere. Here's 3 ways I've been doing it.

1. Savings cards, save your life:
Everyone knows that grocery stores, drug stores, and even some gas stations offer FREE savings cards just for filling out a short application. These savings cards can save you anywhere from .50 - 10.00 in one shopping trip! Now, I will admit. Signing up for a bonus card and having it on my keyring does make me feel like I should be driving a minivan and doing carpool from soccer practice. But when you have a budget, shame can be shelved.
And in living in Clemson, the grocery shopping is limited to Bi-Lo and Ingles (no jokes please) and they offer gas savings when you buy a certain amount of groceries. The other day I was at Bi-Lo and spent 150.00 on groceries (I get hungry and I like Lean Cuisines, ok?) and guess how much I saved per gallon of gas...go on guess... .75 cents! That's almost 1 gallon and a half of gas! Ok, ok. I guess I'm a little excited but still...that's a lot.

2. Freeload, freeload, freeload:
Have any family members that live around you...hit em up! Seems like there's always some family member that lives within a 'dinners worth drive' from you. And hey if your extended 2nd cousin, twice removed really enjoyed your company you may luck out and get some left overs too. I need to take a picture of my freezer to show y'all just how much your weird extended family is willing to give you.

3. Become the closet coupon lady:
Every time I go into the grocery store I feel like I need to wear sunglasses and a baseball cap Paris Hilton style. I recently found few websites that are ALL coupons that people have heard about and post the links to.
I like this one alot!

Post more later when I realize just WHAT I've been doing to save money :)


Home, Antique Furniture, and Mythical Creatures

I'm home in Georgia once again...back to the sophisticated life that I have found myself to not fit into. There's something about coming back to my parents' house that reminds me of a museum. I can't sit on the white, turn-of-the-century couch, for fear of breaking the springs (fat comment?)...which always makes me wonder..."why do we have it in the sitting area then?" My question is always found in response with a exaggerated "Why do you ask so many smart ass questions?"...actually that is a very good question that I'm still searching for the answer to.

Oh well, home for Easter and there's nothing I can do about it now. Only two more days until back to Clemson and back to my life.
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I've recently been counting down the days until my room mates move out...26 more to go. It's amazing some of the mythical creatures we have living in our apartment causing their little antics...damn them.
First, we have Lenny the Loafing Leprechaun:

Lenny is a sneaky little bastard how likes to prance around the apartment before he heads off merrily to his 8 o'clock class...I've tried to catch Lenny the Loafing Leprechaun but my only room mate that has a class the same time as Lenny has never seen him before and denies knowing of his antics. I will get you Lenny.

Second, we have the 'water cup fairy':

Water Cup Fairy is especially rude...she likes to fill up cups of water and leave them as decorations on the tables, counters, and one time even on the washing machine. Seriously? She's a tricky little bitch and she must be caught.

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Time to head off to my room that has been dubbed as 'storage' shortly following my leave for school. When I say short, I mean 1 week...Good night.